Auto insurance is a complicated matter. Many people have an insurance policy but do not exactly understand how they are covered or what they will do if they find themselves in the position of needing to utilize their insurance. Discover the basic types of car insurance and find out how to obtain the coverage you need for your particular situation
If you are at fault in an accident that’s covered by your auto policy and other people or property are injured or damaged, liability coverage helps protect you and pay the cost of these damages.
Medical payment coverage helps pay for medical expenses for accident-related injuries, no matter who is at-fault. Medical payment coverage is provided for anyone in your vehicle.
This coverage helps pay for medical expenses when the other driver has little -to-no insurance. This coverage does not provide coverage for anything other than medical expenses.
Commonly known as “Florida No-Fault” coverage not only covers reasonable and necessary medical and hospital expenses, but it can also help you with income continuation, loss of services, and funeral expenses. $10,000 PIP is required under Florida law for any auto policy.
Collision Coverage can help protects your car if you’re in an accident that involves a “collision” with other cars or objects. Collision coverage helps pay for repairs to your vehicle up to the actual cash value of your car.
This coverage helps pay for losses that result from accidents that are “not a collision”.
Note: In the State of Florida, accidentally cracked or chipped windshields NO DEDUCTIBLE will apply.
Towing and Labor - This option can help reimburse you for the expense of towing your vehicle, as well as other basic roadside services.
Rental Car Reimbursement - This option can reimburse you for the cost of a rental vehicle after an accident, while your car is being repaired.